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Payment order
100 EUR/USD + 3rd party commissions
Transfer of securities without payment (FOP) (without change of ownership)
100 EUR/USD + 3rd party commissions
Transfer of securities without payment (FOP) (with change of ownership)
USD/EUR for the market value of the asset up to 100,000 USD/EUR (for bonds - nominal value) included + 50 USD/EUR for each subsequent 50,000 USD/EUR of the market value of the asset (for bonds - from the nominal value) + 3rd party commissions
Transfer of securities versus payment (DVP) (with change of ownership)
USD/EUR for the market value of the asset up to 100,000 USD/EUR (for bonds - nominal value) included + 50 USD/EUR for each subsequent 50,000 USD/EUR of the market value of the asset (for bonds - from the nominal value) + 3rd party commissions
Transfer of government debt securities, issued USA/Germany treasuries, versus payment (DVP) (with change of ownership)
20 USD/EUR for the nominal value of the bonds up to 100,000 USD/EUR included + 10 USD/EUR for each subsequent 50,000 USD/EUR of the nominal value of the bonds + 3rd party commissions
Securities safekeeping*
0,25% per annum (monthly payments), min 5 EUR/USD per month
Consideration of the account opening
300 EUR
External currency transfer from depositor's account
1,5% of the transaction value + 3rd party commissions (to be applied after depositor's endorsement)
The third-party providers services in custody transactions to be paid supplementary according to their tariffs.
Commissions for transactions with securities denominated in a currency other than USD are charged in EUR.
* - Custody fee is calculated based on the daily basis.
Custody fee for bonds is calculated based on the nominal value of the instrument. The custody fee for shares and funds is calculated based on the current market value of the instrument. In case of unavailable current market price, the value of shares and funds is calculated based on the latest available price.
These tariffs can be changed or supplemented by the Depositary unilaterally with prior notice to the client no later than ten working days before the entry into force of the new tariffs.